S3 Media, Photos on Amazon S3
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Keep hundreds of thousands of photos and videos on Amazon S3.

Amazon S3 is a Cloud Object Storage Service that allows you to store a practically infinite number of files that are accessible from anywhere in the world.

S3 Media is a client for Amazon S3 that puts your Photos and Videos on your Amazon S3 account. Type in the S3 Bucket and credentials that can access that bucket. S3 Media will automatically process existing photos and videos in S3 then create and upload thumbnails.

S3 Media never shares your Amazon S3 credentials, they are only used to access Amazon S3 from the device you typed them into. Only your device and Amazon have access.


S3 Media makes it easy to browse through your media, even with hundreds of thousands of objects. When other photos apps crash and fill up your space, S3 Media continues to work smoothly.

How to use S3 Media with Amazon S3

Create an AWS Account (click here to make a free AWS account with 5GB of S3 storage) and type or copy your AWS credentials into the S3 Media App.

Login with the AWS credentials you create in your AWS Account.

Each media object is stored in an object path that uses an identifier created when the object was uploaded.

In each object path, the image or video and thumbnail are stored.

S3 Media on iPhone