S3 Media is an app that allows you to have hundreds of thousands of videos and photos on your phone. Buy it on the App Store today. Learn more here
How to profile memory, CPU, blocking, mutexes and create traces with Go.
(pprof) top // show functions using the most memory
Keep hundreds of thousands of photos and videos on Amazon S3.
Easy to integrate, it uses Go closures to handle each step in the email process.
The SMTP server supports DKIM, meaning spam is already accountable to the sender's domain.
Dotblog is a blog engine that works with the .blog file format and can serve millions of requests per second.
It makes managing a website and cloning it with round robin DNS much easier.
Architecturally similar to bitcoin and chord but uses a single private encryption key for every node in the mesh. Any node can send messages to every node, receive messages from every node and master nodes can add and remove objects on every node.
var dt = require('./dt.js'); var dt_node = new dt({master: true, port: 9999, key: 'asdf_any_length', nodes: ['', '']}); dt_node.emitter.addListener('started', function() { console.log('distributed table "started" event'); dt_node.add_object({test: 'test'}); }); dt_node.emitter.addListener('object_added', function(object) { console.log('dt object_added event', object) }); dt_node.emitter.addListener('object_removed', function(object) { console.log('dt object_removed event', object) }); dt_node.emitter.addListener('message_received', function(m) { console.log('dt message_received event', m); });
Include this module in your Internet Protocol Socket Server and easily protect it from Denial of Service Attacks.
It offers IPv4, IPv6 and a notification closure (callback).
//set authorization status for an IP //logout ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 0, "") //invalid login credentials ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 1, "") //authorized (valid login credentials) ipac.ModifyAuth(&ip_ac, 2, "")
This Go Module allows you to build RRDs in memory.
Update a RRD in Go (each measurement interval)
//24 hours with 5 minute interval rrd.Update(5*60, 24*60/5, 'GAUGE', []float64 {34, 100}, &rrdPtr); //30 days with 1 hour interval rrd.Update(60*60, 30*24, 'GAUGE', []float64 {34, 100}, &rrdPtr); //365 days with 1 day interval rrd.Update(24*60*60, 365*24, 'GAUGE', []float64 {34, 100}, &rrdPtr);
SDB is a NodeJS module that offers a direct memory database with a syntax similar to MongoDB.
var sdb = require('./sdb.js'); // new database, read existing data from file var mydb = new sdb('./my.db'); // insert mydb.insert({a_simple_field: 'a_simple_value'}); mydb.insert({second_simple_field: 'second_simple_value'}); // update with $set and $add as upsert mydb.update({second_simple_field: '2nd second_simple_value'}, {$set: {second_simple_field: '2nd second_simple_value'}, $add: {counter: 2}}, {upsert: true}); // find all mydb.find({}); // index mydb.index('a_simple_field', true, false); // remove mydb.remove({_id: doc[0]._id}); // $fulltext find var data = mydb.find({title: {$fulltext: 'test is a'}}); // save to disk mydb.save('./my.db');
Having a mill, a lathe and a 3d printer prevents many blocks to improvement in product development. We maintain open source tools for this reason.